Interview: Artist Lara Deutz

Interview: Artist Lara Deutz

ROTTERDAM – It’s pouring cats and dogs outside when I walk into the famous artist area Nieuwe Binnenweg in Rotterdam. I’m meeting Lara Deutz a.k.a. Jazzalara (a multitalented artist and musician) today to talk about her artistry and exhibition “Space Girl”. Her atelier is based in an old primary school building from 1881. 

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her parents, who are both artists of the Fine Arts, are born and raised in Rotterdam. The atelier is her second home and I’m very excited to meet her there.

As I ring the bell Lara opens the door. She’s wearing a shirt twice her size and a big smile. She lights up the room. This is typically Lara, because she has a compassionate personality. Together we walk through the long and dark hallway. The building gives off a certain energy.

The light shines through the high windows. It makes the atelier feel warm and cozy. 

Classical music is playing in the background and the smell of fresh paint welcomes you. We drink herbal tea together and share some food that I brought.

Wil jij ook een business shoot op je werkplek, studio of locatie naar keuze? LISAMARCOM fotografeert jou in je natuurlijke habitat: op de werkplek, aan het werk. De fotografiestijl is thematisch en afhankelijk van het werk wat je doet. Samen bepalen we van te voren welke boodschap je over wilt brengen en maken we een moodboard met de setting, styling en (eventueel) de make-up.